Guess i probably should have posted this earlier, but wasnt sure if id make it or not, and now its looking like i will. is there anyone that would be interested in anything from the back of an M1010? ive got the 3 alum. stretchers, i believe all the mounting brackets/hardware(minus the retractable rod hangers by the rear doors), stretcher pads, etc. id even be willing to remove the lights(ceiling light, and sidewall mounted spot-style lights) in the back once there if someone needs them. i dont have any use for these items, and would rather see them go to someone that does. may be willing to trade for M37 stuff, primarily looking for a good(as in NOT rusted) complete windshield assembly, electric wiper set-up, and after market stuff like one-piece wheels, selectable front lockout hubs, maybe a bolt-on front discbrake set-up with machining already done on hubs, or complete front axle with this set-up? you can PM me if you have parts in mind, and we'll see what we can work out, unless your bringing it anyway, and in that case PM and we' figure out how to find each other there... in fact, id like to meet some of my fellow S.S. Elite O.D. Junkie Weirdos, there any kind gathering spot designated, maybe someone with a vending spot can put up an S.S. sign or something? and btw, nobody can be offended by the weirdo comment, if you werent a weirdo like myself, youd have no idea i said it...hehehe...