Hi all, I thought I would do a quick update before hitting the hay.
DR arrived about 9am and we got to work around 10 or so on the flatbed. We had to change out all the lights and wires with new ones and inflate 1 tire that went flat that I did not know about and do a little thumping on 1 set of wheels that wanted to stick and not roll.
DR brought a box of new lights and we descovered that they gave him the wrong number of amber and red. (more red then amber) The local autzone, oreilly's, etc do not carry the lenses, only compleate units. He has 2 that have no cover right now and will pick some up at a truck stop on his way to Ill.. We had to also go get some air lines/glad hands to hook it up to his truck. That worked out after switching them twice to get them to work.

He used 3 straps to hold the tar bin right where it was on the front. It over hangs about 4-5 inches in front but looks like it would not hit his ladder or box. My sister and I took pics and I will post some tomarrow. We got done at about 7:30pm. About 9 and a half hours in the heat and sun.
Recovry4x4: Lanty, you are so right on the money with that. He might have a better chance of getting away with it if it all looked more military and uniform but it doesn't and that's presuming that he has no clearance problems. Hey Shadow, have you ever moved the trailer with your 275? Any clearance issues with it if you have?
I have never moved it because my rear unit is stuck and will not let the air down the lines to operate the brakes.
DR is 99% sure the trailer is Navy issue. The original paint is blue, the marker light wires are in a shielded harness and the drop down on the back he said was to support small tanks.
NEIOWA: A mil converter dolly any particular dimensional difference than a civilian dolly? Dimensions look to be similar (77" wb). Or is the kingpin on a civilian pup trailer closer to front of the trailer than on a regular semi trailer?
You supposed he's keeping at the TM max speed of 30mph?
I was reading the tag on the dolly and remember it to say 112" in length and 12,000lbs load. He has been doing 45mph most of the way up here.
ken: Kenny, Yea he's trying it all right. But it gets even better. He's going to bring a bulldozer back from howards too. Any body know how much weight a deuce pindle can take????? Or a clutch climbing hills?
Yah, he said he will use some tank ramps to load the dozer insted of 10 foot lenght I-beams like the 1st plan was. I think he said the dozer weights 7,000 pounds.
I think he said he is about at 63 feet in lengh right now. Looks good. Camo truck with a gray flat bed with a ratty blue tarp flapping over a junky looking tar bid all heading down the road.
O yah, there is this small issue....
[State officials are targeting truck drivers. It's part of a three day traffic enforcement effort called Road Check. Iowa Department of Transportation officials are conducting roadside checks at locations throughout the state identified as high-crash corridors.
Iowa DOT Sergeant Kevin Steele said "We're looking for equipment violations and driver's violations, driving violations, proper driver's license, hours of service, equipment violations, tires breaks, anything unsafe."
The Road Check is part of a national effort, the 19th annual International Truck and Motor Coach Safety and Security event. Road Check continues until Thursday.]

Maybe this week was not a ideal time to do this.....