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Perfect Parade Day - Traffic Stop - Long


Super Moderator
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Mid Hudson Valley NY
Somehow I thimk, if the GOVT needed out trucks for combat, we're ALL in a world of hurt, and we have bigger problems to worry about.


New member
Nor Cal Coast
seems this idea was prevalent in the private boating community. There were two ways to register a vessel. Either via the state w/ 'CF' numbers (California) on the bow or 'documented' (some cubic measurement restriction for supposed cargo) through the FEDS. It was my understanding that if your vessel was documented, the FEDS could grab it during war (criteria unknown) and use it for their purposes...unknown return policy..

If you have to return an item, do you get in-store credit?




Vandalia Illinois

Someone above stated that the ISP is known for it's military style tactics, well let me tell you they should change their name to the Waffen SS. I do not even get any of my Military vehicles out on the main roads here anymore. The Nazi's in my area are writting tickets for anything they can find. If you have a trailer ball on the bumper of your pickup, your getting a ticket for obstructing the license plate. Reese hitchs are not safe either, sticks out past your bumper. This is a rural area, everyone has a hitch of some sort. Road blocks are a common thing, they stop you under the " We want to see if you have your seatbelt on" idea, and hold you until they find something wrong. They don't do much on the Interstate anymore either, they like to hang out in small towns and harrass the locals. Anyway, the answer to who made the stop above is in the photos, the plates on the car, you can ID most any ISP by the plate, it is assigned to that officer, that is his plate until he leaves the force. Exception to the rule is, undercover cop,or his car is deadlined. As far as a complaint, and I hate to say it, you may win the battle, but you won't win the war. Most of the younger officers have a juvinile streak, you tell on them, they get reamed by boss, they tell the other younger officers, you get put on a personal watch list, unknown by boss, and the door to personal vendetta has been opened. Happens around here all the time. I know most of the local officers here,(not ISP)due to my line of work, and I here them talk about the conversations that were had at the local doughnut shops, and I have to just sit and shake my head. Sometimes just no proffesionalism at all . But not all officers are bad eggs, just a few that ruin the bunch.


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
(near) Xenia, Ohio

Let me see if I understand this (second to) last post. You say you know "most" of your local officers? And they talk about breaching their own integrity, in front of you? And they have these coversations in donut shops? And it bothers you so much that you shake your head and then you post this feeling of yours in a military vehicle forum read by thousands? But yet, you sum it up with, ""not all officers are bad eggs?" Have your "friends" had the chance to hear your story? Why do they still talk in front of you? How does this take place? They must really like you to be so trusting and open.

I'm sorry, but your credibility is zero. I'm not buying it. The whole "donut shop" thing is old, too.

If "most younger officers have a juvenile streak" as you say, then what the heck was what I just read? Why don't you tell it to the ISP themselves? What are you wanting to accomplish? Go in front of the camera in the town where you are being "harassed." See if the press can help you. They might get older, more mature officers hired and then you can do what you want.


New member
Centreville, Va
Here in SC we drive our deuce around all the time. It has plates, insurance, and all is legal. Even before that, though, we never had a problem as long as we weren't waving our guns around at the civvies. Then again, gun racks are common, as are truck raised high enough to need ladders to enter. 9/11 alarms only go so far, and I have never heard of an Abdul Faharq driving a deuce, anyway!! Talk about attracting unwanted attention if you were up to no good!!! :deadhorse:


New member
Parkesburg, Pa
I completely agree that there are some good, decent, LEOs out there.
I personally have never met one.......... but there must be some.

And before the crayon posts start pouring in, no I have never been arrested, been to jail, done anything that warranted jail or made a policeman's life difficult just to be an SOB.

I have, however, been harassed, threatened, abused, talked down to, lied to and generally treated like a subject by police.

And yes, I have made complaints, politely, civilly.
That and 1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

To go with your donuts.


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
(near) Xenia, Ohio
This has been around a while. It has a lot of truth to it.

Mr. Citizen, it seems you've figured me out. I fit neatly into the category
where you've placed me. I'm stereotyped, standardized, characterized,
classified, grouped, and always typical. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. I
can never figure you out.

From birth, you teach your children that I'm the bogeyman and then you're
shocked when they identify/associate with my traditional enemy.... the criminal!
You accuse me of coddling criminals.... until I catch your kids doing wrong.

You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point
me out as a loafer for having one cup. You pride yourself on your manners, but
think nothing of disrupting my meals with your troubles.

You raise Cain with the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you
doing the same thing and I'm picking on you. You know all the traffic laws....
but you've never gotten a single ticket you deserve. You shout "FOUL" if you
observe me driving fast to a call, but raise the roof if I take more than ten
seconds to respond to your complaint.

You call it part of my job if someone strikes me, but call it police brutality
if I strike back. You wouldn't think of telling your dentist how to pull a tooth
or your doctor how to take out an appendix, yet you are always willing to give
me pointers on the law. You talk to me in a manner that would get you a bloody
nose from anyone else, but expect me to take it without batting an eye.

You yell that something's got to be done to fight crime, but you can't be
bothered to get involved. I am the one who runs to a gun fight or any fight for
that matter and you are the one who is always running away and calling for the
POLICE. You have no use for me at all, but of course it's OK if I change a flat
for your wife, deliver your child in the back of the patrol car, or perhaps save
your son's life with mouth to mouth breathing, or work many hours overtime
looking for your lost daughter. You are the one calling in about speeding in
your area and want something done about it. Then we set up radar and its your
wife or even you that we catch. Then its a radar trap again . Go Figure.

So Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about
the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think
that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my
buddies. Yes, Mr. Citizen, it's me the cop!

- author unknown (no, not a deceased Trooper from VA. That is false).


New member
Parkesburg, Pa
So Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about
the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think
that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my
buddies. Yes, Mr. Citizen, it's me the cop!
God help us.


Active member
Decatur, Ga
So, do any of the officers here have any comments about the 1/3rd of the New Orleans Police department that didn't exist but was being paid? Someone was being paid, someone was picking up checks, filling in time sheets and otherwise doing all the paperwork details one must do in order to get a paycheck processed through HR. That's not one or two people, that's a lot of people turning a blind eye to fraud.

For every good municipality where the cops seem to have their stuff together and are very professional, there's some lingering example of a town or city or county where there's a great deal of corruption. Whether it's the Rampart Division in LAPD or Atlanta's Drug Suppression squads or some Podunk town with a very cooked sheriff, there are examples of cops who aren't in the right job. They give a great deal of cops a very bad reputation to amend.


The Envelope Please.
Supporting Vendor
Corpus Christi, TX
In the ole days....(I hope somewhat humerous)

My old man was a state police officer for almost 28 years. There were many times we would go out on 'patrol' together and set up radar. Guess that was some form of father/son bonding thing. I would actually run the radar gun why dad slept. This was sometimes very late at night/early morning. Speed limit was 55. 65 no problem. 66 watch out.

I remember this was still in the days of hitch hiking and we got our share of Norfolk area sailors heading north on leave or coming south returning from leave; and I should add speeders also. If you had the ID card it was an automatic pass unless you got caught a second time. If you were hitching you got a free ride from state line to state line no matter what time of night and I distinctly remember picking up one sailor super later at night. Only down side for the hitchers was having to put up with the conversation which looking back was probably pretty boring to them. Only so much about deer hunting, farming, and fishing a young 18/19 year old can handle when he is thinking about home, girlfriend, drinking, or ...you know.

My father once jumped my butt for not waving when we passed a back country house. His point was what IF somewhat had been looking out the window of the house at that point in time. Veterans and Memorial Days we would go out and put up the grave flags on the rural cemetaries.

I'm sure there were some folks that wouldn't have a good word to say about him but then again, even after 25 years I have many folks say he was a good police officer. Ah the good ole days. We need to keep the peace officers with the protect and serve mentality and keep less law enforcement officers with the because I AM the law attitude.


Vandalia Illinois

It would seem that someone has taken offense to what I have said above. I normaly don't reply to an attack of character on me by someone who doesn't know me. I don't find it juvenile at all to make a point and back it with fact. But if you would stop and look and catch the point, you may make a formal complaint against the officers involved and win that battle, but when they get all mad and have an eye out for you to screw up you may loose the war. Also, yes the local law enforcement officers do trust me because I Know and grew up with most of them. It is the new ISP officers that are raising the ruckus, and the tactics they use. It has been placed in the local papers on more then one occasion. For example, one is in court right now, charged with reckless driving after losing control of his car and killing two young girls. Two or three were charged for possesion and use of automatic weapons. A whole group was disbanded for the use of tactics up north. And if that is not enough, how about stopping you without probable cause. They do it all the time. They set up road blocks, pull you over and check for any infractions that they might find. If you are going down the road at the legal speed limit, vehicle in perfect operating condition, wearing your seat belt, papers in order, where is the probable cause, Oh thats right they don't need any because you are guilty until you prove otherwise.(heavy on the sarcasim) Am i coming down heavy on all officers in the law enforcement community as a whole. NO! Yes there are good officers out there and I know it. There are some right here on this forum. Do I disagree with the tactics and attitudes of this state? YES. And since you don't live here and see it and hear it everyday I don't feel I owe you any explanation for my feelings as you put it nor do I put alot of weight into your opinion on my credabillity. But if it makes you feel any better about yourself I will make a public appology to you. I am sorry for upsetting you and for spreading all the uncredable things that people have told me, and the outright false information that has been printed in the newspapers from all over the state.


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
(near) Xenia, Ohio
RE: Isp


Your credibility rating has been up'd significantly! I too, must apologise. I think I had accumulated some negative ions from the whole thread. I understand your position and concerns. I believe you are a fair-minded individual. Again, I extend the right hand of fellowship.

Now, I will remove this thread from my "watched topics" and not return. It causes me to become a bit like this guy ------> :evil:

I'll get back to big, green metal topics. Believe I'll enjoy a "nice cup" myself!

Thanks gents! Carry on!


RE: Isp

I for one don't care if I get a speeding ticket if I am doing 2 or 3 over the limit.I don't care if I get a ticket for improper lane change if I don't signal or cut someone off.I don't care if I get a ticket for a busted tail light if I one doesn't work.I don't care if I get any ticket for any real reason but the BS that ISP does to people is just too far.Just cause we like old army truck and like to drive them to and from events or just for fun is not probable cause to detain us and harrass us for hours and make threats.There is a line and personally these tin badge soldiers were well over the line.I have a good friend that is a County Mounty down here in bama and we talk about this kinda stuff all the time.I have had SEVERAL run in with the LEOs here in town.One time my neighbor called about me raising hell with my assault weapons.I was loaded up a small arsenal to go shooting on Independance day.They did a felony stop in front of my house.4 cars.All the officers were nice and polite except one that you could tell was a Cherry.He was standing over away from everyone like Barney Fyffe with his hand on his gun.Police asked us to exit the vehicle and then proceeded with the standard License and insurance thing and then asked if I had any weapons in the vehicle(Hee hee hee,Bad timing on their part!).I said ya,I got a bunch in the back seat.Opened the door and the look on their face was priceless when they saw the muzzle of a 50BMG pointing at them.They called in all my info and we all just sat out there shooting the stuff while the entire road was blocked off.Took them all of 20-30minutes for the full check since they had to check my wants,the vehicle tag,Insurance,CCW,etc.After everything came back clean they said sorry to bother me but someone called and said there was some people with assault weapons.I told them no problem.We was just headed to the range and must have seen us with boxes and boxes of ammo and all the guns and got scared.Now if they had wanted to escort me across town or demaded my truck was 5 times its actual weight,gave me the cause of the Terrorist attacks(stop calling it 911!) they can be asshats,or some stupid BS then I would have been at the police station the next morning raising holy importal hell with the Chief.There is a fine line between normal Police work and Jack Booted Nazi thugs.


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
(near) Xenia, Ohio
RE: Isp

the Terrorist attacks(stop calling it 911!)
AMEN! You've got that right!!

(I don't know. I just can't see Freighttrain, "raising holy importal heck" with anyone! I just can't see that!) :lol: