Trying to get ready for an oil change
Baby steps seems to be a popular cliche. In our case that couldn't be more true. The down time we thought we were going to get hasn't come to pass as we had hoped. In addition the weather has been crap for two months now, and not having an indoor work space, progress has been non-existent.
Having said that, we might be getting a few sporadic nice days in the near future. So, soldier A wants to get things started with an oil change. However, being as OCD as he is, he doesn't want to put new oil in a leaking motor. That brings us to his master plan, god help me.
The rear main seal is leaking, so he wants to pull the oil pan and repaint it. While that is drying he wants to replace the rear seal with the sneaky pete tool he ordered. Then with a new oil pan gasket, everything gets put back together. At that point, the new oil and Lucas can be filled and the new filter installed, which we got with the purchase.
So, here is the list of what he thinks he needs:
3 Gallons Rotella straight 30 wt
1 Quart Lucas oil stabilizer
1 Can VHT Metallic Red engine paint
1 New oil filter
1 Rear main seal FPG - BS5974
1 Oil pan gasket FPG - OS3472C
1 Drain plug gasket NOE - 7043002
Anyone that wants to add to this will make my hugs list!

By the way, I messed up and did a double post. Sorry! Computer was fighting me...