If you have the nhc250 cummins, I would advise picking up one of those fancy power twist link belts for an emergency.
All the belts are very easy to change except the inner water pump belt. The adjustment is to loosen the water pump and rotate it guaranteeing that the water pump will leak and it is a major pia to get to and removing lots of stuff to get to it. It will not be a road side repair but an emergency belt and you will be rolling in 10 min.
I am sure this a belt not changed often or during maint because it is such a poor design and labor intensive. since the water pump will have to be pulled to reseal.
Funny you should mention this. I checked the belt tensions on my 923 yesterday. That water pump belt is Very Loose.

I am surprised it turns the pump at all. Looks like a pretty major job to do anything with it.
Think I will just replace all the belts while I am at it.
Eagerly awaiting details on your replacement of the belt.

And Mike, I noticed that while my belt is loose, the motor still stays at correct operating temperature, even on the hills. So if you find it loose when you do your safety check, I wouldn't stress over it too much.