Holy Cow!!! I read the article and I was impressed to say the least! Anyone who thinks you shouldn't build an engine for more power, should read this article. Over 800 HP out of a 855cid Diesel engine? With no change in mileage? I'm not looking for that much HP but it shouldn't be hard to get a significant increase in HP (and of course TQ) while increasing your mileage at the same time. Think about it, the less the engine works, the less fuel it burns, to a certain extent. If the pedal is always to the floor because it's all the engine will do, your mileage will suffer. This is why you can push over 600 HP/1000 ft lb TQ out of a 5.9 commonrail and still knock back over 20 mpg if you drive it like granny. Of course we're talking about computer controlled and everything but that's beside the point.
And for those of you who are thinking, "It's really not very smart to go that fast in a Deuce." I'm not talking about doing 100+ mph (although . . . that would be interesting to say the least), however if you could get to 60 in a quarter of the time (or less), and didn't have to go down to 2nd gear and 15 mph when a hill looks at you the wrong way, that would really be something fun to drive. In addition to this, the Deuce only weighs, what, 13,200 lbs or so? This article is talking about a fully loaded rig (over 80,000 lbs) hitting the top of a hill at 80+ mph? Obviously this is with an upgraded braking system but I'm just sayin'!
Now imagine, just imagine this. Your all loaded up with your camping gear and trailer and you're heading down the road on your way to your ultimate M35A2 camping excursion. You get to a mountain pass and instead of filing in line with all the semi's working for a living, you get in the left lane and keep your speed of 60 or so without even breakin' a sweat.

That makes the camping trip that much funner and one more story to tell around the campfire.
Now, a dose of reality. I love the idea of talking about all this stuff, but I probably won't actually do anything unless I win the lottery. If that happens you all will definitely know about it! Anyway, it's all in good fun.