I'm and A&P / IA not that that has anything to do with your question.
I have burned waste 5606 too but I always mix it with deisel or waste Jet A.
I beleive that it does have some flame retardents added but that I will also have too look up. Perhaps AC43.13-1B has that now. Anything will burn with enough heat but I use a lot of waste turbine oil, waste engine oil (recip), and waste jet A. I always filter it through a 10 micron / water filter and then I have been experimenting with some filter socks that I purchased from McMaster Carr. The reason for this is because of the bugs in the waste fuel and also because of the used oils and fluids going into the tank.
I figure that if it makes it past a 1 micron filter, it won't hurt the injectors or pump. I've also change all my truck fluids and diluted it and burned it as fuel too. I figure that DOT would jack up the jail and bury me underneath if they knew about all the non-taxed "fuel" going on thier road but......
Right now the fuel looks coal-black in my tank but all has been filtered through the 1-micorn filter in gravity flow so I figure there is nearly-zero solids getting through which is the main goal over chemical contamination of the pump.
The 5606 may not be the best thing and may attack the seals in our pumps but on the other hand it is petroleum based over Skydrol and other similar fluids which I myself would never consider for fuel.
Just my 1.2 cents worth.