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Nice temp fix, definitely better than falling thru the floor. I had a '90 Geo Prizm(aka Corolla)which developed a dime size hole in the exhaust right where a support hanger attached. That lil'hole transformed that car to a racket making no torque paper weight. I went thru my recyclables and got out a Chefboyr'd spaghetti can(although ravioli would work too
). Took can opener to unopened end and then cut can along its length with tin snips. I then wrapped it around the exhaust hole and duct taped over it. Although the exhaust was not hanging any lower without the hanger attached I later used one large radiator clamp and wrapped it around the hanger and exhaust then tightened it and it's been like that for 8 yrs. Does anybody make complete floor pans for cucv's? If so, would it be safe to drill holes and bolt it in(high grade nut/bolt/washers) instead of welding it in? I would imagine if you did a good job bolting it to good metal that it should be able to support the seat and occupants during hard braking/acceleration and /or accident. If welding is the way to go then what type of weld should be done(gas or stick)? I know some use rivets however I would not bolt a seat to metal riveted on. I don't believe that they would be strong enough to withstand a violent braking event or accident. Anyone have experience with this?