Edited to add - (I just saw the post about the ebay option, technically that can be done, but should be done responsibly noting its radium content - just like radium watches and dials on ebay - technically still legal, but watch the shipping -- do it in DOT compliance. )
Oddly enough sealed sources of radium-226 when considered a waste is difficult to dispose of, despite being common in commercial vintage products.
Currently there are a few legal options for disposition. There is one landfill in Richland, Washington run by US Ecology. It is expensive.
The other is to contact The US Orphan source recovery Program, after 9/11 the US government didn't think it was so cool to have so many radioactive sources in the wild and they can be collected, think of it as a local hazmat day in a town for radioactive sources. you contact them, you describe your source and activity, you get in line and they collect it.
If you have a regional or state radiological health agency In Texas, its the Texas Department of Health Services and they have a very good radiologically saavy staff.
http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/ram.shtm (lots of industrial radiographers using radioactive sources to image pipes and oil lines, etc.) They can give you guidance. sometimes they collect it as a good neighbor service. Sometimes they make mountains out of mole hills, Being Texas, they are probably more practical than NY or california.
In california, a question about a radioactive aircraft gauge turned into a multi million dollar cleanup. But that is california
Technically if the exemptions are still listed in your regional regs, there may be an exemption to own the source without license, but that is just to own it, not dispose of it. So technically it can be owned somewhere indenfinately by someone but not disposed of - Like a radium wrist watch. If its thrown out, it needs to follow disposal laws. If accidentally thrown out, it may be detected at many of the landfill radioactive sensors and the state will try to investigate it. Many of these items get found that way.
In all reality the risk to health is pretty small from such devices, the radium is radium oxide, mixed with a phosphorescent paint, and painted into the dials on the gauges. Radium emits alpha, beta and some gamma and the exposure rate may be 1-2 mR/hour on the gauge itself. So exposure wise, its measurable, but at the drivers position, its negligible and It will generally be contained in the gauge and not contaminate your hand although it can creep if damaged over years. But Not much different than radioactive coleman lantern mantels you would handle with your bare hands and washing your hands would relive you of contamination. All = low risk and a greatly exaggerated concern of government in my opinion. Like lead, radium came naturally from the ground, but **** if anyone will let you put it back in the ground from which it came oddly enough.
Technically if it was to be retrieved not as waste but merely as a previously enjoyed radioactive device that is being owned for its intended purpose, you don't need special license to retrieve and own it. If its been designated as waste, then technically it need to be managed by someone licensed as a Transporter-Storer-Disposal-Facilitator TSDF.
Many aircraft mechanics and pilots deal with radioactive gauges in repair (less now than decades ago) but it can be done.
Bumping this thread with a question....
I have stumbled upon information about a "Deuce" (might be a 5-Ton) that was parked some time back by the police department that owns it because it was RADIOACTIVE. I was contacted about it because they are looking for a way to "dispose" of it. As I understand, they might be looking for someone that they will PAY to take it way. I am considering applying to be that "lucky" person. Depending on the terms of the disposal contract, and if in fact it is only the Gauge Faces that kick the meters, I might be able to just replace the gauges to comply with their terms of release.
Does anyone have any FACTUAL information on the actual disposal of the readioactive guages once removed?
ANY FACTUAL contruibution are welcome and will be appreciated.
Thank you.