That's pretty cool Jeff! I like it! That looks like an M105 bed if my eyes aren't lying to me. When I do my bob job, I plan to remove the lower rivets holding the bogie plates to the bogie castings, and use the plates riveted to the truck frame to align and bind the spring section of the trailer frame to the the truck frame. This will eliminate the need for lift blocks between the axle and the springs, as well as give the rear end of the truck a little bit of lift. However using the bogie plates in thier original position, the plates will fall between the tabs for the trailer helper springs, setting the rear axle about 18 inches behind where the lead rear end would be in it's 6x6 configuration. This will necessitate lengthening the drive shaft about 18 inches and give me about 15 inches between the bed and cab where I'll build a custom tool box/gun locker, and have a set of fuel can holders across the front of the bed above the box. I'd like to see a couple full shots of your truck if you've got em!