That POS PTO shaft, boxes, and such looks strangly familiar,, except mine had Ice sickles and frost all over it last time I got intimate with that cursed contraption--- Jan 2017 at around 0*F..... Guess your going to pioneer your way into the exploration of the Samsung 350 Excavator manifold before I... Let me know how it goes as I have a shop building skeleton to erect before I get too froggy with my mods,,,, at least while mine is still running... classic scenario of cross your fingers and hope everything works until this project is done....
As for the classified ad,,, go ahead and part out the long shaft and grease box, or even the short tube too,,, build up a flange style U Joint output like I did..
View attachment 718482
Shortens up the reach of that shaft and really helps when trying to stuff a hydro pump or some other means of debauchery in that small place...
View attachment 718483
problem I always had with tail rollers was keeping my feet off of the roller while exiting or climbing up onto the bed... course you only catch your fingers in them once....