Hornet Safety
Just a cool old thread bump and friendly reminder to open your doors and look for pests before jumping on the seat and starting your MV.
After filling the M207 Shop van with fuel and lifting the hood to scare any cats out of the fanbelts, I jumped in the cab and turned on the ignition switch. The Early Deuce has the pump in the tank so I stuck my ear out the door to listen for the buzz of a fuel pump. The buzz started coming from inside the cab and by the time I looked ahead I was surrounded by black flying things.
Remembering my big, tough brother in law's visit to the hospital earlier in the day because of a wasp hit to the chest, black out and swelling lips.....I somehow left the drivers seat and ran like a locomotive with a bad bearing, to safety.
Not sure why I didn't get stung. The hole was behind my right knee in the drivers seat and I was in the truck looking out the door for at least 30 seconds. Carrying all those spiders out of the house might be paying off. Thought about rescuing the hive and putting the seat outside but they wouldn't let me get close after sitting on them. A little flying insect Raid sprayed in the seat was plan 'b'.
I got lucky so lets be sure we look the trucks over real long and real good before jumping in!
A few bad quality genius phone photo's of the Early deuce seat tear down and hornet house exposure.