Please correct me if I'm wrong. It looks just like a padlock hasp with the screws under the plate instead of out. The only way to use this would be to mount it on the OUTSIDE of your door and padlock it. They also really only work properly when the screws can sink deep into wood. For a Deuce you would have to bolt all the way through the door and body to a nut. Sheet screws can get pried right out.
Secure, yes...Visually appealing, no. Perhaps a coat of paint and mounting it vertically at the lower right corner of the door would hide it?
Personally if you are going to add an exterior lock to your drivers door, go with the keyed garage door handle. You won't see it at all. Its probably the same price, and you're not adding more holes to the sheet metal.
Remember: Locks only keep honest people honest. If a thief wants to get in, he will just break the window, and go around your lock. I've unfortunately been dealing with alot of this in my neighborhood lately...