Madclown, brilliant re-use of your ramps for the receiver hitch! That looks killer. We did something very simple for now, but I like your idea a lot. We basically did the same thing with the tractor hitch. bbuck, take the hitch back and leave your truck looking good. We basically removed the ramps and took out the 1" spacers under the hitch then slid the hitch back to line up with some of the existing holes. So the bolt holes in the frame for the rear of the hitch became the bolt holes for the front of the hitch and we drilled new holes for the rear. I think we had to ground out one existing hole a little because they did not line up exactly with the holes in the front end of the hitch. Also we only used 6 bolts, 3 on each side of the hitch. Since we are only towing the trailer less then a mile 6t of those monstrous bolts are plenty strong enough.
Finished up the axle seal last night and got that all buttoned up. Had one problem, I figured since we were that far in to it we would use a non-zipper boot, but couldn't get the caps off to get access to the king pins. Since the boot is really not in bad shape we decided to leave it and return the boot for a zippered boot. But all in all it wasn't too bad a job and it made me feel good to know everything in there is in good shape and no more leaks!
So there are 4 5 tons in the NE part of Albuquerque now,
Mine, Madclown (Ryan), Serial14 (Brian) and bbuck7777, we need a parade!