Headwizard - Your truck really has the Wow

look to it with them big skins.
Steve (DF) - Have never seen your truck before. It is a beauty!
Some serious time spent refurbishing it and it shows. Hats off to ya.
Spent the day with the guys down here at the local MV junkyard
I really have the bug to loose the center axle but not sure if I want to bob it or not. You bobbed guys are an inspiration.
Had to run outside - A B-17 just flew over at about 1200ft agl!!! Probably headed for the Conferderate Air Force guys at the airport by my house.
Got goosebumps right now.
Hey it just came back over. Grabbed the camera and slammed a picture as it was headed east towards the sun. Ratz. 10 seconds earlier and it would have been directly overhead.