July 8th, 2011.
My deuce is in storage in Texas right now, likely looking for a new home, BUT.... When I run her on the interstates I always placed a reflectoried yellow "Convoy Ahead" Sign on the tailgate, and in bad weather or low light conditions I would use the two amber convoy beacons above and behind the cab. I know you folks are going to go off the deep end, but my answer to any cop was... "It's tan, it's large and it's slow, I need all the help I can get to avoid some truck driver from running me over in the right lane doing 54..." Fedferal law says I must maintain 45 mph on interstates, but there are a lot of fools out there that cannot see a tan truck in daylight that does NOT blend into a woodland and grass background....
Personally, if I could afford it a V100 would be my choice for interstate cruiser.....

Personally, I think the feds need to add a circuit to the auto truck electricals that either cuts the cell phone off when the engines in gear and the vehicles rolling, or jams it out under the same condition... MAybe make it impossible for the machine to go into gear or even cut the engine out....!The average proto-auto-sub-simian does not have enough brain cells to spare to drive, text or talk.... Its illegal on the railroad.... it should be illegal everywhere else too!