Thought SS was a INTERNET site, designed and set up for INTERNET ACCESS and USE, NOT for smart phone use, if smart phones can access the site fine, if not all well, don't see ANY REASON for a phone ap, same with the itap crap, if someone post to the site, it should not need a SPECIAL downloaded program to view it.
Again this a INTERNET based site, just because people have smart phones DOES NOT MEAN the site has to be a smart phone site, you joined knowing it was a INTERNET SITE not a phone site, EVERYTHING comes up fine using the INTERNET just as it was designed to do, If the phone users DO NOT have the time or are to lazy to use the INTERNET, that is not anybodys fault but there selves, It used to be that people could WALK, CHEW GUM, TALK, and another HALF DOZEN THING all at the SAME TIME, now if someones smart phone is NOT in hand or to the ear, NOTHING CAN BE DONE, I would guess most smart phone users could not take a crap without the SECURITY of there phone, if for nothing else but to REPORT the QUILTY of the crap on facebook and twitter

The problem with apps like the iphone crap is that, someone uses it to upload pics to the site, now poeple on site have to upload the iphone crap to see the pics unless a extra link is provided, sometimes there is, sometimes not, why should anybody have to upload anything, let the phone user fix there phone to be compatible to the net, NOT us net users making our use compatible to the phone, if a app does that fine, If something has to be donwloaded to be compatible to the phone app then NO.
This smart phone crap is what PC correctness was 15 years, If things were not PCC, then it had to be changed till it was, now days it is the smart phone, if not smart phone correct it gets changed till it is smart phone correct, changing the phone is NOT A OPTION just like changing PCC was not an OPTION, both getting FORCED on you
OK Ron, I've had to read these various anti-technology rants of yours several times, so I am going to school you on how this works. Because........... well, you don't know what you're talking about.
Out of politeness, I am going to leave alone the irony of posting anti-technology rants on an internet forum.
I am going to break these down point by point.
"SS is an internet site, not a phone site" (paraphrased)
Ok, here's how websites work: A website is built and it is stored on a server. A computer accesses it and displays it to the user using a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.). The website is the same no matter what device is accessing it-tower (traditional computer), laptop or phone. The website doesn't know what kind of device is accessing it.
The only time this is not the case is when a website has a mobile version: Mobile versions of websites are stripped down so that they are more easily viewed on smaller, portable devices (smartphones).
Now, repeat after me: THIS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO YOU. Here's why:
If I go to
Jalopnik - Drive Free or Die on my phone, the website knows I am trying to access Jalopnik on a mobile device and it (the website) redirects my phone's browser to The "m" in the web address obviously means mobile. But, if you are at home on your laptop or desktop and you try to go to, the site will recognize that you are not on a mobile device and will redirect your computer's browser to
Jalopnik - Drive Free or Die.
So in closing, there is no such thing as a "internet site" versus a "smartphone" site-there are only websites. Do you understand?
Now, smartphone applications (apps) like Tapatalk make no difference to you-they are apps on a phone that allow the phone's browser to display the information it gets from the website's server in a way that's more easily read on a smaller screen. That's it-that's all an app like Tapatalk does.
Ok, on to all of the insults to smartphone users; that they are too lazy to use a computer, they are children who are reduced to sucking their thumbs if they aren't on their smartphones all day, etc. (paraphrasing again)
That BS just has to stop because it is just stupid. Rayzer, myself and multiple others have explained the wonderful opportunities and benefits that mobile computing have brought into our lives and if you don't or can't appreciate them, just don't partake. That's all you have to do-keep your 10 year old computer and your rotary dial phone. All of us enjoying this will not affect your internet experience one iota. I for one am tired of being insulted for taking part in modernity. My phone is a tool of both enjoyment and business for me, I am not a child or an insolent teenager.
"same with the itap crap, if someone post to the site, it should not need a SPECIAL downloaded program to view it. / The problem with apps like the iphone crap is that, someone uses it to upload pics to the site, now poeple on site have to upload the iphone crap to see the pics unless a extra link is provided, sometimes there is, sometimes not, why should anybody have to upload anything, let the phone user fix there phone to be compatible to the net, NOT us net users making our use compatible to the phone, if a app does that fine, If something has to be donwloaded to be compatible to the phone app then NO."
Ok, the above is totally 100% inaccurate and I am going to prove it with the two posts after this one. One post after this one will be posted from my laptop or phone and the next one will be from the other. I dare you to tell me the difference.
Now, what you are referring to are movies-here's why you're confused.
Videos shot on digital formats (meaning no tape) can be shot in many formats: WMV, mpeg, quicktime, etc. There are many others.
Each of those different formats requires a different interface (or "player" in order for your computer to display (play) them.
When you see a video file that's been posted to SS and you can't play it or is says something like "you're missing a plug-in", this doesn't mean it is some special smartphone shot video.
It means someone posted a video in a format that your computer doesn't have a player for. You can download these players for free from their manufacturer's websites.
Repeat after me: Videos you can't watch have nothing to do with smartphones.
"This smart phone crap is what PC correctness was 15 years"
I can not believe I just read someone somehow try to link political correctness to smart phones. I'm just gonna' leave that one alone.
Look here's how it is:
The exact same arguments you are putting forth were made by old fogies 15 years ago........ but they were making them against personal computers or laptops...... like what you're reading this on.
My smartphone lets me run my business on the road, on vacation, at the Ga. Rally and anywhere else. It helps me when I am lost (GPS), it allows me to run my customers credit cards on the spot, etc.
The things I do, if I had to wait to get back to my office to use my PC, would kill my productivity.
You can re-read Rayzers comments above or mine from the now deleted thread where we went around this cartwheel a while back (I have gone and retrieved them and posted them below for you since the thread is now deleted).
In short, before you rant and rave (and random capitalization counts as raving on the internet), make sure you know what you are talking about and you are right.
My old post below:
I have a "real" phone-I can call anyone, anywhere, anytime.
But I can also:
Surf the internet (and with 4G speed when I am within a 4G network area) and do all the stuff that allows: I can find businesses and phone numbers without having to call someone who is sitting in front of a computer, I can find restaurants, banks, bars, hospitals and anything else.
I can watch youtube, netflix, hulu or read the news from CNN, Fox, whatever, when I am sitting somewhere and need to pass the time.
I don't need to buy a GPS unit because my phone has a 4"+ screen and has standard maps and Google maps, all tied in via GPS.
I can send and respond to emails from my hotmail, gmail or corporate email accounts.
I can take credit card payments for my new business, without having to have a swiping machine with me, so anywhere I go I can accept payments.
I can shoot 8mp pictures and shoot HD video so I no longer have to take a camera with me unless I need something specialized (wide angle shots, etc.).
The phone's flash will double as a flashlight, so I can find stuff in the dark without having to find a flashlight.
All of my phone's contacts are constantly sync'd to my google account, so if the phone is destroyed or lost, I won't lose a single contact or any of their info.
I can sit anywhere on earth that I have a signal, plug my laptop into the phone and stream internet access into the laptop. For no extra cost.
Plus, hundreds of other things like constant access to my google calendar, so I can schedule a meeting with 3 people and invite them to the meeting and the calendar will automatically show the meeting at home on my machine AND email the other people an invite or reminders about the meeting that they can even accept or decline.
In short, it's a laptop in my pocket.
Tell me again why this is so awful?