Yep, it is a shame the way they treat old iron sometimes. But if it does help keep us free and our men and women safe, so be it.
These are the sink-ex pics of my old ship, the mighty USS Stump, going to her watery grave. Commissioned in 1978, decommissioned in 2004. The third to the last Spruence class destroyer to be active, she was a great ship. We could get underway full power from a cold engineering plant in less than 12min. The newest Arliegh Burke class destroyer that was in Norfolk at the same time we decommmissioned couldn't even bring their generators online. So much blood, sweat and tears went into keeping that old tub afloat and the lights burning and the screws turning. I cried when I saw these pics for the first time.
To think I walked those decks and lovingly repaired her machinery for 4 years...
EN1 (SW) Ferro, USS Stump ship's Oil King from 01SEP00 to 22OCT07.