And when they leave Florida then they end up here in North Carolina ...
Main Entry: half·back
Pronunciation: \ˈhaf-ˌbak, ˈhäf-\
noun1 : one of the backs stationed near either flank in football
2 : a player stationed immediately behind the forward line (as in field hockey, soccer, or rugby)
3 : a person with a great tan, stationed immediately next door, a Floridian, originally from New York that moves to North Carolina
Wilbur: Hey Amos, I hear you have a new neighbor.
Andy: Yup, she's a half·back
Wilbur: Half·back what's that
Andy: Oh, that's one of those snow birds that went down to Florida, figured out it was to darned hot and missed the seasons. So they start heading back to New York, get tired and stop here in Carolina.
