I thought about these as well; but I ended up seeing more cons than pros- for me. Security being the biggest concern. Though we all know if someone wants whats inside bad enough, they will get in, having a top that can be breached with a knife slice doesn't work for me.
The back window unzips, no need for a knife
That said, the stock M1009 has a window to get in the back from the factory..Moot point, at least to me.
As for snow, it'll be fine for anything you get in the midwest..If you get a food of wet slush brush it off, otherwise this thing is VERY sturdy.
As for looks, that's all subjective. Most who approach me think it's a canvas top from the military....They obvious miss the big SOFTOPPER.COM emblem sewed into each side and the back

Local seamstress is my wifes friend and is going to remove this for me.