clinto said:
That's the thing that kills me, Mules selling for more than a Deuce……it's a strange world.
Not really IMHO. A Mule can be hauled around on a little utility trailer from Lowes/Northern, etc behind the familly car/truck/SUV. Anyone can drive them. They are easy to work on, don't take a lot of storage space, etc. If you insist on insuring them, they go on your homeowner's policy like any other four wheeler... And they get huge grins from everyone and folks don't have to ask "why would you buy that", they know what they can be used for...
I've noticed for years that the smaller stuff tends to go higher per pound than the larger rigs... A jeep is a lot easier for most folks to work on than a duece (and easier to store and less costly to from a wear item/insurance standpoint. It's also easier for most folks to drive. Granted, it's easier for me to get my fingers around the injector pump on my M817 and remove it then it is on my M35 and that's way ahead of my M37 (the one with the Cummins in it), but you get the point...
I've also noticed a price jump every time that somebody does an article on the use of M-Gators, Kawasaki Mules, etc. It seems that when the new stuff is discussed, somebody always references the old Mule, and then they go up.
They also aren't making anymore, and folks are reliving thier younger years (I get a lot of Vietnam vets climbing on the Mule these days...
I stalked Mules for years before I found one that I liked (price and condition)...
Everything is market driven...