I've never been much of a self-promoter but I will give it my best shot on behalf of my big, bad girl here...
I purchased her Easter Weekend this year. She is my first MV.
She's a 1983 M923, Overhauled at Ft. Drum in 2007 and surplussed in 2012. She sat exactly where she was parked after arriving from AL for 6 years until I brought her to her new home.
Based on the unit markings on her she was last assigned to the 1151st Engineer Company, Alabama National Guard. Nice to have a rust-free southern truck in Michigan!
My first look at her:

Getting her ready for the 3 hour drive home, Taking a break on the drive, her first-evening parking spot out at the farm and a million-dollar view of the fields (to me, at least) through her dirty windshield:

The NHC250 currently installed is not the original engine. Per the ESN it was assembled in 1986. So the original engine was pulled and swapped out at some point:

Untold hours of cleaning and uncounted days of getting her maintenance up to date and fixing/replacing items as I go:

She is now looking and running terrific and I could not be happier with her. She is a big, beautiful girl!