Like said above, No soldier is going to brake down a tire to put the tread in another direction, so they all match ,and no one would want him to, I will say i have seen a few vids of new m939s that came with the michelins, and from factory all were in the correct way of driving, they may say they are technically not a directional, but they sure are, maybe the amount of difference in traction is not enough so they can say they are not, and they may also say they are not because uncle sam did not want directionals, there are tms that state directional tires should at all possible times face the same direction, with the exceptions of trailers, trailers with directionals should have the directional tire facing the opposite way because there will be a longer tread life this way and traction is not an issue with a trailer, i have the tm in my collection, I also like all my tires to face the same way, it is just cooler to me, but when needed i will put anything on , just like in service. Directionals work, and i am the type that wants to go forward as far as i can

I think when a guy says that in service it is alot of opinion, unless he is on a test group like in Aberdeen, I have had a Soldier who had/has a ton of miles in a few conflicts, say to me hey look at those ol ww2 double clutchers in a line back on a base i was on, they looked old and run down, only problem was , i said actually they are not older than 1982 , and they are automatics,

I also have experience at the maintenance shop where a lot of soldier mechanics, who do alot of great work on these trucks, never know what they actually other than 5 ton or other basic generic terms, I have been asked alot over the years, hey rand whats this one again, Its just not as important to those guys as it is to guys like us.