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If you use a stand-alone centrifuge, buy a used Filtermaxx. Much more powerful and flexible than the PA biodiesel. You clock the motor up if you use a 3 phase motor and a motor controller. Steam comes out of vent. Use the sun to bring your oil up to temp before push through heater.side note--- MUST use hot oil.... unless you have a second means of removing water (absorb beads for example)
problem in using these type centrifuges w/out hot oil; and/or without proper venting you lose one of the principles used by these centrifuges to dewater. "Evaporation".
per design (or unintended benefit. not sure which) of these kind of centrifuges..... part of the water removal is in net effect evaporation.... aka. the oil as it is forced out the centrifuge jets.... causes some water to vaporize. This vapor spills out the bottom of the centrifuge along with cleaned oil.... the heat from the catch can (assuming heated oil) encourages the water vapor to rise up along with escaping heat from cleaned oil in catch can below... this pushes that water vapor out of the catch can ifffff you vented it. AKA if you have hot oil..... but no way for some heat; thus water vapor, to escape from area near oil exit at bottom of centrifuge.... your keeping the water you wanted to get rid of. ( a fan sucking or pushing water vapor out from just below centrifuge; where oil exits, might can replace/enhance the rising heat that pushes the vapor out ??)
use to do wvo myself in my unimog and 300sd..... became too hard to get wvo .... has been for decades now....... gave up long time ago... just now getting back into this.. but with wmo.....
plan is later to explore plastic pyrolysis to make crude oil essentially.. then make apparatus for cracking it into a diesel fraction (basically distillation). Other fractions from the process will then be used as fuel to burn/create heat in distillation process etc. Distillation apparatus could also be used to turn cleaned waste motor oil into a diesel fraction.
Im torn though on how to get rid of left over product.... it will be nasty nasty stuff. While running wmo in the blend method with petrol etc. in your engine with out any distillation/cracking ... leaves no visible pollutant gunk to get rid of.. it is still there.. it is- just invisible...... the stuff out your tailpipe will be very nasty stuff puffing into the air.
Once you get into fractional distillation, your safety risk goes up exponentially. Low flash point vapors = boom. Alek Polek is one of the DIY experts. Have his plans, but have not made a system yet. All sorts of byproducts. Definitely known carcinogens.
I know Ben Peterson, one of the developers of a plastic to fuel system. Nice guy, knows a lot, but suddenly went from selling plans, to selling units at around $3k.
Diesel is fairly cheap right now. That is, until trouble is deliberately started again in the middle east.