WOW....Thanks guys, I'am really taken back.

Out of hot rods, bikes, boats and all other toys, it has been the most fun project I have ever had. A big plus, ( no lie here ) are the fellow members with whom we associate. A nicer bunch I have never known!
Your right that it is limited only by size. The bloody thing stands about 12' 6" with the A/C, so no low trees allowed. I live in the lower mountains about 6800 feet, but also have lots of high desert in the nearby areas. The camo colors try to match both types of terrain.
The truck ( Infidel) has more stuff on it than I would think possible. I tow an MKT (cargo), the top is locked in the up position short of the last 8". Being you have access to all sides of the trailer, it really makes for a lot of cargo that you can get to. Trailer looks dumb by itself, but in tow, the truck standing so tall, it really looks quite good, and all matches. It is about two times the size of a
M-105 and weights a lot less. Truck does not even know it's back there.
The truck carries 125 gal of fuel on board, plus nine jerry cans for fuel or gas for the generator. The trailer carries three more jerry cans and can carry another 50 gal of fuel. The truck has 80 pounds of propane, and the trailer 40 pounds more. I can take about 275 gal of water and about a year plus of food if need be. I have a solar setup to keep all the batteries up, and a generator for extra power when needed. The unit has 12 volt, 24 volt, 110 volt and 240 volt. Gas torches and arc welder. Has with head lights, driving lights (300,000 c.p.) , I.R. lights, back up lights, side lights. Some radio gear. Popped out the seats and put in some driving seats, much much better on my old butt. On an on the list goes.
With all this stuff ( good idea gone way to far), a neighbor called it .....
THE CAMPER APOCALYPIC, I guess the name stuck.
( P.S.) One of these days I will try to update some photos for those who are interrested.