Possibly down hill?
My Detroit M998 turns 2300 at 75MPH with the 6L80 and its .67:1 2nd OD (5th is .85:1) and 2.56 gears so a little math,,,
With a 4L80 and its .75:1 OD would be 2575 RPM
Replace the 2.56 diffs with 3.08 diffs and still the 4L that would be about 3100 RPM so not going to get to 85 under 3K
Swap the transmission to a 6L with 3.08 gears and now your turning 2770 at 75 MPH, this would also give you more power to the wheels as the 6L is a 50 year newer design with less loss than the 4L.
The half shafts of course turn the same no matter what transmission and or diff is in front of them as long as the tire size stays the same.
And of course you have to have the power to push that brick though the air, in the Detroit weighing in at 7400LB and the added drag of the helmet top and that 6.2L is a little under powered

EDIT of course with the 308 gears you are going to be twisting those drive shafts and transfer case pretty darn fast!