AAR: San Angelo, Texas Christmas Lights Parade Saturday 12/5/2015
Well, with our Deuce all lighted and bannered-up for TOYS FOR TOTS to be in this years parade and just 48 hours until Parade time our Santa BACKED OUT !!! Since part of our TOYS FOR TOTS (TFT) entry is to bring Santa in his sleigh at the very end of the parade, Santa is a key player in this mission. Our TFT Coordinator called me Thursday evening to ask if I was still growing my beard (See Facial Hair thread:
http://www.steelsoldiers.com/showth...rimmed-vs-anything-else&p=1798522#post1798522 ) and to ask if I would be interested in a short notice gig as Santa. Immediately we both flashed to who would drive the Deuce!! I assured him that back-up driver volunteers were plentiful, we'd just want a little check-out ride to assure they could handle it.
So, in perfect edification of the Marine Corps saying:
IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME !, we changed our mission profile to
Our next obstacle would be were to get a Santa Suit on such short notice. The TFT Coordinator took on that challenge while I addressed Deuce Drivers.
As soon as I mentioned our situation to Dianna, my bride stepped up to the plate and whole heartedly, in fact enthusiastically, volunteered for a battlefield commission and promotion from Soldier B to Driver !!! She's a KEEPER indeed!
By bedtime on Thursday we still weren't sure about a Santa Suit, but everything else was falling into place nicely. I figured worst case scenario would be to grab a cheap $50 Santa Suit at Walmart and pretend it was "real".
Mid-afternoon on Friday rolled around and I still hadn't heard about a Santa Suit. Just as I was about to make phone calls to assist in locating one, I got a text saying one had been located and that it was already being dropped off at the dry cleaners with a promised ready time of noon on Saturday.
it turns out that our TFT Warehouse had a mysterious duffle with a crumpled up Santa Suit that no one on the present Committee knew existed. It was only when our urgent need for a substitute Santa made its way through the grapevine that a former member of the TFT Committee asked if we still had that one. The greater blessing is that it is a nice quality (and was only wrinkled) costume and a quick fluffing at the dry cleaner's refreshed it quite well. BTW - Our thanks to Comet Cleaners for donating their "emergency services" at NO CHARGE!
So here are some pics from the staging area as Deuce Drivin' Dianna and Santa met forces with the US Marines to pull of a very successful mission in spite of a little FUBAR and SNAFU being dumped on us.....
Mission-ready Dianna

Madilyn (granddaughter), Kimmy, Santa (me), Emily (Kimmy's friend), Jay3 (Emily's son)

Santa and his Elfin Marines

Alex (son-in-law) giving his daughter Madilyn her first Deuce-driving lesson

Santa's ride and the west Texas sunset
"Giddy-up lil' reindeer!"

Santa and his crew ready to roll....

"Let's light this rocket !!!"
"...and to all a good night."
Carry on.