I used 90w Gl-1 that I got from NAPA. Went around and around trying to figure which one was best.
Finally decided on GL-1 because that is what I took out, what has been used since before I was born and I KNEW it wouldn’t be bad.
Would the GL-5 be a problem with the synchronizers? Got me, but it sound like it might be…from some of the members.
Would the Gl-5/MT-1 work? It should…but then again, I’m no transmission expert.
My final decision was that GL-5/MT-1 might be a better lubricant, but might also bring some problems with it. The GL-1 WILL work; might not be as good, but I know it will not hurt the transmission.
Besides, GL-1 was cheaper
…once I found someone that knew what I was talking about.
Now, my question is this:
It says to fill to one knuckle below the fill port. However, the fill port does not even result in filling half of the transmission/transfer/differential. Does it really matter if it is to the filler port or ½ inch down? Isn’t that why there are breather caps? To prevent over pressuring of the fluid?