1833 great choice on the "NEW" CUCV what a different vehicle from the other CUCV......

You're afflicted with the bug, just admit it. You need the 12 step approach and unfortunately I just sold my manual for a warm bottle of beer, or I'd lend it to you.
Seriously, these are 25 year old vehicles, the 08, the 09, all of them.....
I bought my first one, it was a rusting piece of cr*p, bought second one and has been a GREAT vehicle, except for the current "no start" issue I'm dealing with, bought the third one and it's just sitting there, going to let it season up a bit before I dive into it.
If you enjoy, really enjoy, working on good solid built old iron, these trucks are for you. If you prefer to be able to jump in one of these EVERY day of week, without performing proper PMCS on a weekly basis, FORGET IT..... go buy a NEW 4x4, with heated seats and a digital clock...
I have a daily driver, but like to drive the 09 on occassion. I like the heated seats and digital clock and STEREO....
NEver announce to wife, g/f, concubine or neighbor you're finished workin on it, that will help you avoid fights with the 1st three listed.......