- 649
- 17
- 18
- Location
- Arlington, Washington
OK I'm hooked! I need more! I need more! you cant stop now!
Oh god I feel cold! Just give me a small video to tide me over.

I am in the process of gathering up the additional trans fluid filter and new hose so we can get filtering on the cooler-out line, and the trans is being built right now. Should have some install action going on in about a week.
The list of things that needed replacing include the trans case, the stator, the pump, the valve body, the flexplate, and on and on.... The case was surprising, but it was in a serial number range that had a notorious cracking problem in a specific area, and Allison issued a repair kit for it, but the kit+labor is more $$$ then the $800 for a used case of newer design.
Oh well.... I sold my car (1992 Honda accord) to a friend of mine to pay for this.... I haven't driven it in 4 months anyway since I got a new(er) pickup..... Hope gas prices don't increase... It's worth it to have a functional HEMTT instead of a very large garden sculpture....