This is my first time through some simple mechanical projects on my MEP802A genset. Before I understood something about how ohms and resistance work, I had the idea to put thread sealant on the threads on my water temperature sensor sending unit. Now it’s probably not grounding properly, I’m getting lower temperature readings than I should. My challenge now is how do I clean it out nicely from the engine bloc side? Any suggestions on how to get rid of thread sealant inside the threads? Could I spray brake cleaner? Just carefully clean with a rag? Any ideas?
I guess that my #1 question is:
What kind of thread sealant did you use?
In general, yes, a rag can work ok, but it depends a bit on what you sealant used. My goal is always not to push any thread sealant or remains of thread sealant into the coolant area. If it is something like, say PTFE (Teflon) tape, I would use some very fine tweezers. When you are done, you can carefully thread a very narrow air line in, being careful not to touch the threads and blow out particles, but again that depends on what you used initially. Some non-hardening thread sealants are going to take some very fine bristle brushes and cotton applicators with a drop or two of solvent. (E.g. "Monster" sealants that seem to go everywhere, though they are great sealants).
These are a 1/8 NPT tapered thread in brass and should be self sealing against the block.
All the best,