Some of the best have been mentioned already.
Personally, I prefer first hand accounts rather than novels, I'm more interested in the history than entertainment.
Sticking to aviation only, since that is the thread topic-
Phantom over Vietnam by John Trotti
Going Downtown by Jack Broughton (F-105 in Vietnam)
Once a fighter pilot... by Jerry Cook (Flew from 1956 to the 80s, F-4s in Vietnam)
God is my Co-Pilot by Robert Scott (WWII)
Eighty knots to Mach 2 by Richard Linnekin
Linnekin was a Navy pilot trained on Stearmans in WWII, and eventually ended up in the F-4 Phantom. He flew a bunch of planes in between, and describes their characteristics.
Night Stalkers by Michael Durant and Steven Hartov (special Ops helo driver. You'll recognize the author's name from Blackhawk Down)
Blackhawk Down, while we're at it.
Any of Matthew Brennan's books about the 1/9 Air Cav in Vietnam. One is
Headhunters, another is
Brennan's War. He covers both air and ground ops.
I'll have to look at my books to get more titles, but most are packed up for a house move. Being a just-post-Vietnam helo jock, I have read a
lot of the Vietnam-era helicopter books.
If you think of jet pilots as just button pushers, read
...And Kill Migs by Lou Drendel. Gives good first hand accounts of fighter-fighter combat from Vietnam to the first Gulf War. Has nice pictures too, if you are a model builder. Or just like pictures.

There are several editions (3 or 4?), get the latest one. (Or all of them, since the latest one leaves out some stuff from the earlier ones, to keep the book the same size).
Glide Path by Arthur C Clarke. It is written as a novel, but Clarke was part of the team that developed ground controlled approach in Britain during WWII, so it is a thinly disguised first hand account.
There are dozens more, but that's all I'll add for now.