Got it on Saturday, and power washed it today. It had the North Carolina green funk on it, with a TON of mud. Kaboom and Krud Cutter works great, as well as a power washer and a green scrub pad. Found that the trailer light cable is a little too dry rotted for me, so ordered a replacement. Will be hooking up to the 5 ton, so researching the lunette height and problems flipping it. And I know this is trailer, but the Applied generator is getting oil, fuel and air filter changes this week. I got snagged by a honey-do call back, so wasn't able to finish today. Was happy about all of the little things that were on the trailer. AC covers, grounding rods, etc. Did find out that they drained a lot of fluids, but not all of it (odd). 1/8 of a tank of diesel, 1 gallon of oil, who knows how little coolant. Getting the trailer was a bit fun. It got delivered on a step deck and after helping the driver unload, backed up the 5 ton to grab it off the top. 5 ton is 8.2 feet wide, trailer is 8.5.

And those who have no idea what the NC green funk is, here's a good pict of before.