Well, today after working on the trailer, I braved the non working indicator lights, Intermittent driving lights, and brake light faults on the Packard Staff Car.
Positive earth system.
Tracing faulty wires to the turn signals..(nightmare!) So, Cut all the wartime connectors off and replaced them with clean lengthened wires and connections to ordinary screw type terminal strips.
Stripped repaired and re-set the turn signal indicator lever.
'Hot wired' the 6 Volt flasher unit (with a fuse in line) as no trace of power to it could be found anywhere.
Linked in a turn warning light.
Ordered two 'in keeping' pull push switches for the siren and (pre prime) Fuel pump.
Changed the A--- about face wiring in the side turn front lamps.
Replaced the 'miky mouse' Bulb holders in the rear turn, side, and brake lamp housings., to better type (Sure to work!) Holders.
Replaced all the old type fuse holders (with the terrible torpedo style fuses) to modern two pin fuses and holders.
Brakes and master cylinder linages adjusted.
Repaired the clock wiring, It works fine now,
Will post pictures tomorrow in better light.