January 25th, 2011.
I don't know which are looser on here, the lugnuts or the towbar pins!

I fear some of our posters are gonna draw attention that they probably really don't want or need. Between you and I and the wall, the Romans probably had an EUC for used scorpions or war towers, but from one character who called me from Texas about Saddam's Nightmare, I would have been very, very worried about the character.....The accent was verry thick and it wasn't Texan.... If he had gone to look at the truck I believe I would have invited the FBI and Homeland Security to the inspection too.
When you think about it, all the original constitutionalists that seem to be crawling out of the woodwork lately, here, there, and elsewhere.... THERE is NOTHING in the U.S. constitution that says Uncle Sam has to do anything with his old gear, any or ALL of it! He doesn't have to sell it, store it, scrap it, or shoot it to the moon, or he can do any of the above if that's how he wants to dispose of it!so as far as I can see, we're fairly lucky that Sam's still selling anything at all! After WWII a lot of good equipment got dumoped in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and proabably into the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribbean to boot. I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but I am plenty pleased Uncle retains the right to raise h--l with any lowlife that doesn't observe the EUC rules, because the problem this stuff could cause us stateside or overseas would be considerable if placed in the WRONG hands. McVeigh was a loon, but if he wanted to do what he did on a military base, the Ryder truck probably wouldn't have gotten him by the guard post, but how about some other flavor of trucks????? There are people in the world who value their lives at very little and yours not at all!
The world is not a safe place fellows, particularly not for Americans of every stripe, belief and -ism,... and it isn't gonna get any safer by giving the bad guys deuces and other toys to play with.....
Just my .02 worth,
SMILE, your EUC's being inspected by some really bored GS-3!

or maybe a really underpaid contractor with a bad attitude....!