I guess it is the sign of the times, after 37 years I am being offered a package, so the 26th will be my last day at work.
I ran down to Port A today and drove the beach all the way down to the south jetties, lots of interesting sights, looks like all the girls were trying to max out their vitamin D for the day!
Then I decided to pop 12 bucks at the cat scales, I would have bet the steering axle would have the most weight and I would have been wrong, my helmet top "wet" without driver
#3360 steering axle
#3720 drive axle
#7080 total
AS pictured, without the M1101 of course, 12K winches front (hyd) and rear (electric) it is loaded with a fairly complete set of tools, some spares, recovery items, jack etc.

That oil leak was from my JLG manlift while I was servicing the 12X12 door
This does settle the debate on what the min. trailer I will be buying, my 18' lowboy is not nearly wide enough, it has 2 #3500 axles and even though I have hauled much more than 7K on it many times the older I get the more conservative I get, my #25000 Gooseneck is my new mobile home's front porch and I don't have anything big enough to pull it with at this time anyway.