New to me M816 'Oreo'
Just collected an 816, gone through BII kit, and it appears I have "double stuff"!!
i/whiffle tree .............................. 4910-00-347-9703 .............. TWO number
ii/towbar ends - chain clamp ........ ????-??-???-???? ............. TWO pairs
iii/towbar adapter ................ ....... 2540-00-836-3153 ........... TWO pairs
Got most of the chains and a whole mess of pins, but for some reason it has a 'Collar: boom stabilizer tube collar cross pin from an M819! 5340-00-740-9782
Even got some of the hand tools new, still in wrappers! Big wrenches, grease gun , lug wrench, some big pin.
All four snatch blocks - 2 double and 2 single - so I'm happy!
However, stuff not there includes :
whiffle tree pins ........... ????-??-???-???? *****THIS THREAD******
towbar .......................... 4910-01-365-9304
towlight assembly .......... 2590-01-436-9145
NATO slave cable ............ 2590-00-148-7961
air hoses/glad hands ........ 4720-00-740-9662
jumper cables ................. 6150-01-027-0125
ground anchors n pins ..... ????-??-???-????
Plans so far, get running - partial tear down for wash n paint. Locker organisation/ expansion. Like to go soft top eventually. Pneumatic damper springs on locker lids - for 13 year old "soldier B" would be high on list.
Doing research into field use mods...