I sold my late model silverado and bought the 1009 because i am seriously technology declined (it's truely impressive i can even use the computer well enough to be on this site), so i'm not sure i can figure out how to use the digital camera we have, then upload pics, and then post them, but i will try.
It's a super simple set up. i have (4) 15 gallon barrels. $6 a piece at Macs hardware. 2 for collecting oil from local auto repair shops, 1 elevated on a wooden stand i made with scrap 2x4s, then installed a valve in the side at the very bottom, and 1 sitting under that with a large funnel on it. In between those two barrels i have 3 filter socks hanging from a hook. A 50 micron, 25 micron and a 10 micron, bought from Dudadiesel on ebay for maybe $4 a piece. Stuff one filter sock in side another, then inside the last, so the oil makes one pass through and gets filtered three times.
I bought a small electric transfer pump for about $40.
Step 1. Go to the shop and use the pump to fill collection barrel, takes maybe 3-5 min a barrel.
Step 2. Use pump to transfer oil to elevated barrel at home.
Step 3. Use valve to control flow out bottom of barrel, through filters, into funnel on lower barrel, takes about 10 mins.
Step 4. Use pump to fill 5 gallon gas can to take to the gas station when fueling truck.
Step 5. At station, dump 5 gallons of oil in, then top with 10-12 gallons of diesel (i never let my tank go below 1/4).
pretty simple. i think i will start filtering down to 1 micron though just to make sure i'm getting out as much as possible.