In the Fire Service this has been written about, debated and talked about since fire departments started running deuces. How to get 12V from a deuce for radios, sirens, & emergency lights?
Many fire departments around here still just hook up to the 1st battery for 12v. I've seen a battery blow a hole in the top of it because the 2nd battery gets overcharged while the 1st one the 12v comes off of is drained.
Originally both of our current deuces had the 12v off the first battery set-up with optima gel cell batteries in the optima 6TL adapters. Both trucks responded to a 24hr grass fire response some years back, the emergency lights ran the whole time on both trucks. Afterwards, one truck had a bad 2nd battery, on the other truck both batteries were ok, go figure.....
24v to 12v convertors seem to be the best set-up, running a seperate 12v system just means extra batteries, another belt and alternator to worry about, etc.
Another option we used to do which was mentioned already, was swap batteries around every month or so.
The optima gel cell are way tougher than the military U6TL batteries. The Marine model optimas have an additional set of threaded posts you can hook other stuff to.
We get heavy duty 30 amp 24v to 12v convertors for $240 from a local Motorola dealer. I know they are pricey, but they work the best for us.
Again just my 2 cents....