A public hearing was held by the Assembly Transportation Committee today to hear comments about SB-392/AB404 (Sen. Erpenbach's bill).
Rep. Pope-Roberts introduced amendment #1, to narrow the scope of the bill to Pinzgauers only. The #2 amendment, to also include Kayser M715 Jeeps was not introduced at this time. (?)
The DOT's Carson Frazier presented the department's opposition, which sounded pretty lame to be honest. When asked, she was unable to provide any accident statistics. She also was unable to answer whether any other US states are currently pursuing such restrictions. When asked whether DOT was following some federal directive, she answered no, not in either direction. No federal mandate to either keep or remove milvehs from US highways.
She pointed to the recent news of the snows out east, and the fact that the Natl. Guard was using Humvees to get around, since nothing else could, as proof that Humvees were not fit to be on the roads.
Rep. Petrowski pointed out that he had a 4x4 pickup with big tires so he could get around anywhere. What was the matter with that? IIRC, Petrowski listed off at least Jeeps, pickups, Humvees, and Pinzgauers as vehicles which are small enough that he saw no reason why they should be limited to parade-only registration.
It was a bad day to be the DOT point-girl.
To my surprise, the only person (besides the DOT) to speak against this bill was Jeff Rowsam. Hopefully he will weigh in here with his thoughts.
I remember that one of Jeff's concerns was the "slippery slope" of having some sort of "approved" list. Personally, I think an approved list is far from ideal, but still lots better than having all milvehs restricted to parade, etc. uses.
I suggest that the precedent of having
some milvehs allowed unrestricted operation is a better precedent to set than that of having
all milvehs limited to parade functions.
In either case, it appears as if both bills will be up for further debate and review before the full houses. They will change, at least some.
Hey you guys in WISCONSIN!! If you don't get up off your butts, don't expect any great changes to occur.
I've pushed again as hard as I can. There is a lot of interest and support right now in our legislature for a positive change.
Call Jeff Rowsam, if he represents your collector group, and tell him if you support his position, or tell him if you disagree.
Call your elected representatives. If you're reading this, you can Google them too. If you still have trouble finding them, call the FBI (no, just joking there, call me, if you have to). VISIT your Senator and Assembly Rep. and tell them what you think.