Wow Jones, just WOW! Great work, awesome attention to detail! You're going to really like that M977 crane. I mounted mine behind the cab and that thing...I can't believe all the shenanigans I used to go through to move something that now I can just snatch and go. Oh, one other thing- I saw one deck mounted on a ship one time that was for sale and the capacities were DOUBLED for that crane. Yeah, doubled. Seems to me the what they're mounted on is the weak point.

The safety overload items were gone or damaged on mine so I didn't put them in the final build. The heaviest thing I've picked was the entire front half of a dump truck frame that was cut off in front of the tandems. It still had radiator, 8V92, RR RTO12513 trans, front axle with tires & wheels etc. I was beginning to sink the outrigger pad in the ground but the crane lifted it so I could get the axle out.
Again, AWESOME project! WOW!