Hey Good News!!!!!
I got my one heater working again!!!

That was for Gimpy, Stretch and DH.
Now for the rest of you wondering what the heck I'm talking about.
On Saturday night, one of my torpedo heaters finally ran out of fuel (we had been running them hard Friday night and all day Saturday)...you can see one of them in one of stretches pictures above, the yellow ones. We were busy working on getting the wrecker back together, and the other one was putting out enough heat for us to be comfortable, we just finished up without filling it back up or unplugging it. Sunday morning when we went back out to the barn, and plugged in the power cord feeding our lights and heaters (I forgot that we left one plugged in, but the other one that was running had been unplugged to shut it down)...anyway, when I plugged in the cord, the fan on that heater came on immediately for about 1 or 2 seconds and shut off...It's not supposed to do that!!! After that it wouldn't fire up at all. I opened it up at stretches and looked at it quickly, but in the dim light I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary...I thought It might have fried a component on the control board..no big deal, and back to work.
Today I got it off the truck and in proper light, I opened it up again and on the control board, what I thought at stretches was a semiconductor device, was really a gray colored, heavily dusted fuse cover. I opened the cover and found and replaced the blown fuse and now I have both heaters working again.
Happy me!!