So here's my report from this weekend's events.
I took off from work on Friday around 3:30pm and headed up to Fort Paine to the Little River Canyon Backcountry area. It's miles of off road trails and the description on the NPS said 4x4 only which was a given based on looking at the river crossings on the map.
There are only 3 campsites that people are allowed to camp at. I made my way to the first one only to find it occupied. I then followed one of the trails until it disappeared around a bend into the river. I hopped out to lock in the hubs just in case and scout my route across. I then drove across until I got about 3/4 way onto a rock and hopped off to shoot this video.
Alas, the second camp on the other side of the ford was also full. I had a feeling that they'd all be full. I finally rode through a series of small creek crossings on the way to the third camp site. I got to the third site which was next to another ford and it was empty

and nicer than either of the other 2. I set up camp and slept well after all of the locals got done with their night rides around 1am. I watched a Pontiac Sunfire ford 1+ feet of water, sputtering and nearly stalling out.
I woke up the next morning and broke down camp, crossing the ford on my way out. I followed a series of trails back to the LZ (which would have made a fun deuce trail) We waited at the top of the falls until everyone was there and then took off, attempting to keep up with Wreckerman who was in the lead. In case you've never followed WM he drives a deuce FAST.
We rode down to the bottom of the canyon which alhought paved was pretty hairy at some times. After that we tried to keep up with WM down country roads until we got to the rusty ranch (WM's place). After horse trading, eating, and admiring a nearly immaculate M816, I took off towards the Talladega National Forest.
I entered the TNF near Piedmont, AL and proceeded to drive down unpaved roads for almost 70 miles to near Sylacauga, AL. The road was paved only near Mount Cheaha. It was an epic drive and I think we really need to do an MV drive through there. Most of it is gravel roads with beautiful scenery as it goes along the top of a series of mountain ridges at the foothills of the Appalachains.