On a separate note, I will definitely ground this one. Do all small generators need to be grounded? I have a few small ones that I haven't even thought about!
Is there a minimum gauge wire that needs to be used for a ground? How many feet deep does it have to be put in the ground?
From the TM:
TM 5-6115-584-12
NAVFAC P-8-622-12
out-of-level. Set up the unit as level as possible and grounding method must be supplemented by an addikeep
it as level as possible during operation. tional driven metal rod ground or a buried metal
plate ground. A driven metal ground rod must have a
minimum diameter of 5/8 inch if solid or 3/4 if pipe,
e. Grounding. The Generator Set must be grounded and driven to a minimum depth of 8 feet. A buried
prior to operation. The ground can be, in order of metal ground plate must have a minimum area of 9
preference: (1) an underground metallic water piping square feet, minimum thickness of 1/4 inch, and be
system, (2) a driven metal rod, or (3) a buried metal buried at a minimum depth of 4 feet. The ground lead
plate (figure 4-2). If the effectively grounded portion must be at least No. 6 AWG (American Wire Gauge)
of the buried metallic water pipe is less than 10 feet copper wire. Ground rods are available as optional
due to insulated sections or joints, this preferred equipment.