Update on Butterbean......failure!
Got back from a month in the desert, my CUCV stayed inside my shop the entire time. Got home to find what appears to be "mildew"? on the entire hood, part of the top (cab), and in some spots all over the truck.
I'm assuming I didn't let the primer cure enough on the hood..??? The primer is black, and the spots showing thru are kinda rust/brown looking. Looks really crappy. I took some 120-grit to a few spots just to see what would happen, and it's all the way to the metal! Gotta remove the hood, get 'er back down to metal, then start over probably with a better primer and let it cure longer. Gotta wait for a warm day though.
On the other spots it looks like I didn't prime it enough.
NOT GIVING UP!!! ............updates/pics to follow.