Hi James, wish you were close or I would just come out there and take a look at it.
It can be many things, but did you put new batteries in it? You can get recycled 31 series batteries from Interstate for about $60 each. I use those on all my trucks when they need to be replaced. If the batteries are bad, you will see those types of issues.
Make sure the GP relay is the correct one and not a Ford type relay with a grounded "I" post to the mounting bracket. That will can keep a draw on the 12v side and give you too low of a charge and it can also fry your GP card. Reference post to this, see last page.
Clean all your contacts on the block, alternators, batteries, etc. A dirty contact can cause voltage problems. Also clean all the grounds for the headlight harness, they are on the radiator support on each side. In addition disconnect all the plugs and clean those, I will replace the headlight plugs on any truck I restore.
If all that does not fix it, are you sure the alternators are putting out about 14v? That is what they should be at under normal charging. Both together is about 28v at the firewall and 24v battery side.
Hope this helps...