Again, sorry if I repeated myself. I follow a bunch of threads & also have 3 different things going myself, but know the feeling when you just can't something.
I keep thinking it is a valve issue. The reason being, is these little engines are savages, and will attempt to run is the worst conditions. I think it combusting with the exhaust valve open.
In my videos for the MEP 831A, I was lucky that the engine itself had no problems. Just everything else was messed up.
I did have a Yanmar L100V that for the life of me, would not run right. I did everything. Time = money, & I finally gave up as the "v" models have slightly different parts, making them even more annoying to get. It ran fine at first, than for no reason acted like it was starving for fuel. Everything was replaced on it at some point in the injections system & compression test done. Finally, I just sold it to someone who wanted to take it on.
I've learned a lot more since then & I think my issue was valves. These little Yanmar engines are picky with the valve clearance. And even though they give a spec, I think that is to get you in the area. In my example above, I think it was a little tight, so it wasn't getting enough air.
In your case, messing with the valves is a really easy thing to do. Go a few steps on the gauge in each direction, start it, and see what it does. Can't be any worse than what you have now! When I rebuilt the L48 in the older videos, my valve adjustment was way off and it ran, but really bad. It looked like one of those old wind up toys that would try to do a backflip as it unwound. That also, needed to be slightly off-spec if I recall. At the time, I thought I just didn't know what I was doing. Maybe I still don't, but make things work?
Don't give up! I'm rooting for you.