1100's are all they say, it will steer easier, look cooler to most, and yes would handle heavy loads better, but the 900's will handle any load the deuce can carry also just fine, the radials are apples to oranges big time, I have run 900's for 40thou miles on my first deuce, then went with 1100's ust in the front for awjile, then back, really not much difference , but i can say a little easier steering, i have run 1100 ndtcc's on my other deuce for about 15thou miles and now the radial michelins 1100's for the last 5 thou and counting, for all that can be said, in all weather they are all very good, over inflation is the biggest problem people experience with the 900's, they should be for my driving that is 40 to 45 #s in the back, and 50 to 55 in the front, never even hinted of being out of control in any weather, but i also do not drive my truck like i need it to be the fastest guy on the block either. the tire size in my eyes goes alot more down the road of what if any period one wants to paint ther truck, my deuce with the 1100 michelins is late desert tan, so that would be correct in theater , today, My OD deuce 24087 had 900's because that is what it used then, some say there is this great night and day difference, i really know there is, but it takes certain weather and driving conditions to bring it out. I am a NDCC fan big time, I ran em on my 925 for a few years and will again, they are just plain real military tires to me, and they work just fine...good luck, oh the 1100's seem to be at good prices now, i think they will dry up in about 3 to 5 years, at least the 100 dollars a for a ne w tire ones will for sure, so get em now .