I think theres an understanding/evolution that almost everybody goes through ie. : You, by hook or by crook decide you got'a have a Deuce.....somehow, somewhere one comes up or you search one, or several out. You sell some existing toy you already own, or add it in trade for the Deuce and post on Steel Soldiers something in the order of "Got My Deuce" or some such caption. The first fiew weeks its all about cruseing around showing your friends or finding some dirt to play in. A fiew hill climbs, a fiew runs through the water or mud, yank down a couple trees, break a shear pin in the winch, hand wind the winch back, find out about the rivits on the underside of the winch cover verses your un-gloved hands=scrapes, and then you settel down to life with the truck. The mind wanders......how big of tires can I use? how do I turn up the fuel? Can I get power steering? Hmmmm, can I run some sort of 12volt stuff.... and on it goes. Then seeing a fiew examples on the forum of nicely or not so nicely done Bobbed Deuces, you toss around the idea of building your own Bobber. An easy enough task really, just big tools for big toys, a fiew big jacks and a couple weeks later either you have destroyed and want to off it 'cause now its really messed up, or you'v got yourself a Bobber. Now.....big tires/wheels or some other mod, mabe lockouts or a heater if yours is without etc, etc, and so it goes. You'll find most forum members to be tolerant of Bob-building, but some of the 'purists' not too keen on the wanton destroying of the Deuce in question. You will have your crowd of Bobber Entheusists banding togather in some cases. But when the rubber meets the road, theres something to be said for both flavors.........................Me... I like original, but I also like some of "CaveMan's" builds. Is one better than the other? yea and no, you get better MPG with a Bobber, their easier to park and manouver, less tires and wheels to buy, and go faster top speed. They may also come under screutiny of DOT or State Police as far as new heigth and tires/wheels and such, where the stocker does not.......finnally you decide to leave it stock, paint it, cherrie it out some and with a stocker that your happy with, the big delema becomes..........should I get a NAPA mufler or not? So the Bobbers have been around for a while, and there are examples of actual decission-built Bobbers by the military itself, though not in any large numbers. Would I like to have a bobber? yea, but not out of my existing Deuce, that was my first puppy, and it's getting the re-do back to Vietnam era factory specs. and paint. So if you must "BOB AWAY"