At the end of my rope...
I have just about had it with this problem, I am seriously about to sell this truck and throw in the towel on the entire MV thing...
I was convinced it was the in tank fuel pump, so I got up bright and early this morning and started working on it. I removed the pump, took it apart on my tool bench, cleaned EVERY part and took a wire brush to any and every electrical connection. I got the whine to stop, so I re-installed it and started the truck. After letting it warm to operating temp I started driving down the road. 5 mins into the drive it started again.

So I quickly pulled to the side of the road and put my ear up to the fuel tank to listen for the whine... It sounded perfectly fine. (no I have not yet checked the pressure on the bleeder screw) but I really don't think this is the problem anymore. I seem to have a much taller geyser when I run the pump with the screw open than I did before. But the problem remains, so other than the forward fuel pump being faulty I dont think it is my fuel or my air. So I am beginning to wonder if it is something major. (I have not checked my valve lash yet, not sure how to and I don't want to screw it up) but are these symptoms also related to say, a head gasket? or maybe something inside the crankcase? Somebody said something about governer springs, any Ideas???
p.s. I am not one to get frustrated or throw in the towel so quickly but this one REALLY has me stumped...